Our Mission
Dancing Sky works with rural communities to help older adults stay in control of their choices.
Our Vision
Together, older adults and communities thrive.
The Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging is 1 of 7 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Minnesota. We serve a community which is made up of a unique and resilient group of older adults, caregivers, persons with disabilities and home- and community-based providers in 21 counties throughout Northwest and West Central Minnesota.
We believe that all older adults and caregivers are vital to the quality of place in each of our rural communities. While vital, our aging population must adapt to an ever-changing world while facing challenging economic barriers. Because of this, we recognize how important it is for older adults to have access to services regardless of where they live and for each of us to be empowered to live and age healthier, no matter our age.
Delivering services in our region, which makes up 28% of Minnesota’s land mass and has a low population density, can be challenging. Innovation in our communities and collaboration with key partners is essential to the future of our aging community.
In our region, we envision vibrant communities invested in their elders. We envision older adults and caregivers planning for the future. We envision that together, our communities and older adults thrive.
To learn more about the Dancing Sky AAA visit our About Us page!